Introduction To the Tales of Libby sparrow
Hello, welcome to my first blog, believe it or not! Well here goes nothing (or everything depending on how you look at it)!
If you are viewing this blog you probably think that there is something somewhat interesting here and I am pleased to tell you that sadly you have wasted your time and that is not the case. But please, don't leave and go waste your time somewhere else, for out of all places to waste your time this has to be among the top 1000. Anyway I do plan for this blog to become more interesting as time goes on.
Here is where I plan to post my feelings and discoveries on the various areas of storytelling from musicals to plays to movies to novels to songs to tradition and fairy tales. Here is also where I plan to post some of my own stories, plays, songs, musicals and such, as well as tell updates on my perilous journey into the foggy depths of the methods of storytelling. Now a little about me.
Once Upon a Time there was girl named Libby Sparrow, named so because a few years ago she was convinced that she would audition for and get the part of Jack Sparrow's neice in the second Pirates of The Carribean Movie. This girl loved to sing, dance, act, write and most importantly dream. Dream of imaginary or real worlds in which characters overcame gigantic odds and achieved great feats. So she started a blog and now your reading it.
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