Monday, August 14, 2006

The Adventures of Echo (The Final Part in the Trilogy)

When all of the swirly spinning stopped Echo opened his eyes. He was back home on the couch with Andi kicking her feet next to him. Was it all a dream? he thought. But then Andi piped up.

"Where's my Snorkomobile?" she demanded.

"What?" Echo replied.

"Did Emobola take it?"

Echo smiled. So it wasn't a dream after all. But Ellen would have known if they were gone...Echo looked back at the book. "I guess I'll never know".


Well that's it for the Adventures of Echo the Economic Dude, as Economic class is coming to a close. This was the first time I have ever heard of Blogs being used to teach, but I definitely had some fun with it. My only regret with this blog is that I wish I would have started the stories of "Echo" sooner. Overall, however, I really enjoyed blogging as a part of learning about Economics.

The original idea about blogging in the classroom was that through their blogs, students could tailor whatever the course taught, to fit their individual needs. How often have students wondered Will I ever really use (insert name of frustrating class here) outside of school? As a student I plead guilty as charged. I mean, I understand how a knowledge of Economics could help my life, but Algebra or European History? I doubt that I'll use the Defenestration of Prague in everyday conversation (though there is a funny story about my friend Nick at review which had to do with it). The idea of blogs was to show how hobbies that students enjoy can reflect the things which they learn. The blogs almost make it easier to learn because suddenly when the course has to do with things which I'm interested in, I'm 10x more likely to pay attention.

I started my blog on storytelling earlier this summer with my Economics class. This was my first blog, and I was a little apprehensive about the whole idea. Progress can be scary at times. However as I started writing blogs, they became easier to write and I was able to put my own individual style into the blogs. I think I would have understood the principles of economics without the blog, but they would have been nothing more than mere principles. With the blog, economics became more, well fun. The blog helped melt away the strict line between school and everything else, and while to others that may seem like a painful process, it wasn't. Hey, it's a small world after all!

As for the future of this blog, I intend to keep on writing in it although Economics is over. I was thinking about maybe starting a time traveling series in the fall for AP American History, and I also plan to begin to post stories that have absolutely nothing to do with school. When it comes to blogs, the sky is the limit and even the sky could be overcome.


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